To Be A Christian


To Be a Christian

By J.I. Packer and Lane Dennis

What does it mean to be a Christian? What is essential for Christian faith and life? How can we know Jesus Christ and experience the full love of God through him? How can you become a child of God, anchored in the full reality of unquenchable joy, beginning in this life and ever increasing in the life to come?

It is possible to know about these things, however, without actually knowing them personally in one’s life. In order not to miss what God is offering you, it is imperative that you receive Jesus Christ as your own Savior and Lord–if you have not already done so–and commit yourself to him to be his life-long disciple.

There is no more important thing in life that you could ever do–both for the sake of this life and immeasurably more for the life to come. And when you have received Jesus Christ as your own Savior and Lord, to know that you have done it, so that you can go on from there, knowing the fullness of joy as a child of God both now and forever.

To be a Christian is a lifelong personal commitment to Jesus Christ, but it begins with becoming a Christian in a deliberate conscious way, much like being a spouse begins with taking marriage vows. Being a Christian is a process of advance from that point. As you continue with Christ, with his Father as your heavenly Father, his Holy Spirit as your helper and guide, and his Church as your new family, you will constantly be led deeper into your born-again calling of worship, service, and Christ-like relationships.

You need to know from the beginning that God creates human beings for the purpose of knowing him, loving him, and enjoying a deep friendship with him. But no one naturally fulfills this purpose. We are all out of step with God. In the words of the Bible, we are sinners, guilty before God and separated from him (Romans 3:23). Life in Christ is, first and foremost, God’s taking living action to remedy our dire situation (Romans 5:8).

The key facts of this divine remedy–which the Bible calls the Gospel (meaning “good news”)–are these:

1. God the Father sent his eternal Son into this world to reconcile us sinners to himself, and to preserve and prepare us for his glory in the life to come.

2. Born of the Virgin Mary through the Holy Spirit, God’s son (whose human name is “Jesus”) lived a perfect life, died a criminal’s death as a sacrifice for your sins, and rose again from the grave to rule as Christ (meaning “the A

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SKU (ISBN): 9781682164044
ISBN10: 1682164047
J. I. Packer | Lane Dennis
Binding: Other
Published: April 2020
Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers


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